So I'm moving to Seattle in approximately two weeks.
I found a roommate in Fremont. That's near this here dude:
My roommate is also a civil engineer/hydrologist, but who apparently runs like 6 minute miles, based upon my internet stalking of her.
I found her on Craig's List, but because the world is way too small, it turns out she knows a friend of mine from the Peace Corps.
She has a kitty. His name is Beast.
I'll miss Lucky though:
In the meantime, I spend approximately 16 hours a day in my windowless office trying to get as much done of the diss as I can.
I was managing to get out to run or do weights 6/7 days a week.
All was good.
I was doing 11 and 12 mile long runs and my last 12 miler was a smidge under 10 minute pace.
Kori is doing the Fox Cities Marathon in Wisconsin this weekend, so a couple weeks ago, I signed up for the half. I have been running decently fast for me, so I totally had my eye on a PR for this race.
I was tapering.
All was good.
Then my long run on Saturday.
Eight miles. Easy peasy.
At Mile 6 I thought "Hmm, my pirioformus is sore."
At Mile 7 I thought "I don't know if I can run anymore."
I stopped and stretched and made it a quarter mile more before I started getting shooting pains all down my leg.
I decided to walk in the last 3/4 of a mile.
I got back to the car and could barely walk. I couldn't put any weight on my right leg. The rest of Saturday, I was immobile.
Sunday, it was a little better. A little better yet on Monday and Today.
But it is still a dull ache in my pirioformus. I'm afraid that if I try to run on it, the same thing will happen. The pirioformus gets inflamed and irritates the sciatic nerve, which causes the shooting pains.
Yeah, so apparently? Sitting at a computer for 16 hours a day is a mighty fine way to make your body rebel against you.
I hold out a small hope that by Friday, if I don't run, that it will stop hurting.
But seriously, how sucky of a friend would I be to go to WI to support Kori and two others running the marathon and then after the race THEY need to take care of ME because I can't walk because of ths stupid sciatica.