Thursday afternoon, I take to the air to go out to the city of wind to see teammate Lauren and husband Kyle. I'm going out a few days early to chill with them before the marathon. Oh, also, yeah, first class all the way. That's how I roll (with the $10 flight that cost 45,000 frequent flier miles). The happy discovery today was when I looked and found that first class doesn't have to pay for a checked bag. Screw you, all you bastards back in coach!
After Philadelphia, I took about a week and a half off, as my knee was pretty much in a state of constant pain. I finally decided I couldn't take any more time off, so late last week, I hopped on my bike and felt ok. I rode a couple days, and the pain continued to subside, so on Saturday, I went for a 6 mile run. I made it through, but my knee hurt for the rest of the day. I took Sunday off, and did another 6 miles again on Monday. That time, I didn't feel any real pain after that, which was encouraging, just a little stiffness. I was hoping to run again today, but didn't get a chance, so I'm going to go Thursday morning before my flight. After that, I'm probably just going to rest up until race day.
I'm a little nervous, but the feeling of dread I've had for most of the last two weeks has today slowly been replaced by excitement. I have made my peace with the idea of possibly not finishing. I'm just going to go out, try my best, and if I make it through, sweet, but if not, there's always next year. I'm just out to have fun.
So here's to my first attempt at a marathon! I ain't going down without a fight!
NICE Week of Training Last Week!
15 hours ago
Good luck! But there is no shame in stopping if things become very painful - use common sense, eh?!?
good luck, joe! and don't hurt yourself.
Coincidentally, the title of this blog post was my ex-girlfriend's personal mantra. She meant it in a different way, though, I think.
All fellatio puns aside, though, I find that when I give myself permission, beforehand, to "fail" (bad word choice, I know), it takes the pressure off. I've never done a marathon, or anything near one, but it seems to me you're heading into it with the right attitude, or, as we say in Philadelphia, addytood.
So best of luck, joe. Whether you finish or not, if you have fun, you've succeeded!
Fingers crossed here!
Go Joe Go!
Hopefully some race day magic comes your way. Crazier things have happened. Good luck.
I was sort of planning to get out my lawn chair and sit at the corner of 18th and Ashland (around mile 20) eating pie, drinking beer, and pointing and laughing at all the runners. And also cheering for you, of course.
But then I decided to go to a corn ma(i)ze in De Kalb with my flatmates.
Have a good run, enjoy scenic Chicago (even if the marathon can't go to all the really great running spots), don't injure yourself too badly.
GOOD LUCK!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :-)
hi everyone. thanks so much for the good vibes!
al, you'll be happy to know my sister is still hoping she and kyle will be sitting on the sidewalk somewhere eating cupcakes waving when lauren and i run by.
Good luck!!! And enjoy it!
Wow...I am excited for you. Don't stress about times and stuff with all of your recent trouble..I just hope you finish and have a great experience!
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