My goal was originally to run 1:20. Not going to happen. Not even close. So instead, in honor of the best holiday in the great month of whatever month this is (Oktoberfest started in whatever month was before this one so it doesn't count), I think I should run it in costume.

So far my best costume idea that incorporates a mohawk is the English flag. Big ol' red stripe vertically including big red mohawk, big ol' red stripe horizontally across my torso and arms. And if I wanted to really complete the picture I could even one-up Danielle's Krispy Kreme race by chugging a bottle of Red Stripe every three miles or so (hypothesis: carbonation plus alcohol plus running equals pain and loss of consciousness). But I think this is a pretty lame idea, so I'm open to any other suggestions, even non-mohawk suggestions.
I say you do Marvin the Martian. You wouldn't want to wear an actual helmet while running, so instead, you use the mohawk for the little scrub brush thing on his head. You would have to paint your skull green, but that is a minor detail :-) But the best part is that not only would you get to have a Mohawk, you would have an excuse to run in a little green skirt.
Wow. That is a totally amazing idea. And I think I can actually DIY it to a pretty reasonable level... I'll probably use styrofoam or something for skirt fins and just wear regular green running shorts though. Except that that would interfere with my arm-swing... perhaps this will require some experimentation. A cheerleader-style green skirt plus red tights might work, at the cost of whatever dignity I'll have left...
The only really bad problem will be finding face paint that won't run into my eyes when I sweat. And since a key part of Marvin's look is a big black head with huge white eyes I'd have to paint most of my skull morning-of-race. Hm. It's worth it, damn it! I could wear goggles to keep the paint out of my eyes or something.
So, big yellow mohawk, scalp painted green, I could use a visor with the brim cut off to simulate that part of Marvin's helmet, tons of black and face paint/lipstick, bright red long-sleeved shirt and tights, green skirt. And one white glove. Make that two white gloves. If only I was short and had a giant head...
Make sure you take pictures! And real men wear cheerleader skirts and tights.
I don't own a camera, so anyone that wants pictures will have to come to California and take their own. :-P
(This is the same thing I said to all my friends and relatives that wanted me to take pictures of Yosemite/pretty beaches/Prop. 65 warnings/Apple HQ/etc. when I moved out here.)
That said, I will do my best to find some way to have this immortalized on teh intarwebs. Maybe I'll buy a camera, I hear they're getting pretty cheap.
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