So I am not sure what is going on back in Iowa but out here in New England we are getting slammed with snow.
I seriously don't remember snow like this before Christmas since I was little.
I'd take pictures of the huge snowbanks but my camera battery is dead.
But anyway, I tried to run on Saturday up in Vermont.
Yeah... I made it about a mile and then I quit. Part of that was because nowhere in VT near our house is flat so I was running up steep slopes on unplowed roads.
So my long run this weekend? Didn't really happen.
It might happen tomorrow if I am sufficiently inspired.
But today I went downhill skiing.
Yay skiing!

Okay, this picture is from Winter Park CO in 2003, but who cares. Remember, dead camera battery...
Yeah, so I went skiing with my dad and a family friend today. The snow was gorgeous but it was frigid. Not quite the same workout as running, but my quads still burned.
But... now I am excited to live somewhere I can ski regularly again. I grew up skiing every other weekend or so when I was younger. I raced in high school.
Then I moved to a tropical island for two years.
Then I moved to the Midwest for SEVEN years.
So the skiing? A little rusty.
But there are mountains near Seattle!
Maybe I'll even get a season pass somewhere.
Cuz dude, skiing is expensive.
In other news, I got home and my grandmother who lives here died less than a day after I got here (literally as I was on my way over to visit her in hospice care). My mom works as a nurse, so this was the grandmother who used to watch us after school every day. She was really sick, so it wasn't completely unexpected, but I'm sad I missed out on saying goodbye bye by literally 15 minutes. Not that she has been conscious recently, so it was really for my sake not hers.
But the morbidly hilarious moment of the day on Friday goes to my mom. We were waiting for her siblings to get there before the funeral home took her away so there was this weird time-killing conversation between me, my mom, and my uncle as we hovered around my grandma. So my mom goes to my uncle:
"Will you ask her if she is dating anyone, because she won't tell me anything."