So I have pretty much zero time, since I go to sea on THURSDAY, but I thought a race report was in order. At least before I pass out because of the sugar coursing through my system...
It was Donut Run Day!
I ran a 41 minute 5k and ate 8 Krispy Kremes.
My donut time deductions were nowhere near the time I lost eating donuts.
And once you commit to 8 donuts (one at each stop - my goal for my final time doing this race), speedy thoughts go out the window (well for me at least - Steve in a Speedo is the very obvious exception to this rule). You find yourself in a certain cohort of others that have similar plans so are at the donut stops at the same time as you and you end up chatting while eating your doughnuts.
It's really like a leisurely run where you feel like you might throw up with every donut you eat and you ask yourself "why am I doing this again?" and then you remember "oh yeah, because it's awesome!"
Seriously, I don't need another Krispy Kreme for a loooong time.
And, even more importantly, I finally have my set of 4 Donut Run pint glasses, which was the real motivation for signing up again this year...
This is short, but mostly because I really think I might crash from this sugar infusion. I'm barely holding on here!!!
NICE Week of Training Last Week!
15 hours ago
Oh yeah, and I totally ran the race with a nutrition prof who went donut for donut with me, which I believe means all the calories don't count.
a nutrition prof did this with you??
um, congratulations? :) i am glad you have a complete set of glasses!!!!
Not just any donuts, but _Krispy Kreme_ donuts.
I'm agog. And maybe a tiny bit aghast.
SWEET, sister! Literally!
I'd be more impressed with a baker's dozen - but you did your best.
Good luck on the boat. Remember Smithers' famous line to Mr. Burns:
"I think women and seamen don't mix!"
Prove him wrong, sister! Mix with all the seamen you can handle!
Is that how you spell "seamen"?
Have a great recovery. I don't think I could run and eat doughnuts without puking. Good luck at sea.
Pictures? We need pictures!
Sadly I forgot my camera! But the image of two guys in pink shorts on the side of the road barfing will forever be embedded in my brain...
Wow, 8? Quite an impressive showing.
I hope one day I can also type these words, in this order:
"I ran a 41 minute 5k and ate 8 Krispy Kremes."
Absolutely hilarious!
Congrats on a great day!
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