Hi, I'm Al; as I understand it I'm the newest member of the team.
I'm a 22-year old software engineer living in the sprawling mess that is Silicon Valley (from birth until a month ago I lived in Illinois).
My favorite running spot that I've found so far in the valley is Rancho San Antonio.
My favorite running spots in Illinois are the Illinois Prairie Path and the Mahomet Trails, the latter being the best paths from a pure running perspective that I've ever seen; one of the few places that I don't mind having to run a couple laps around to get a suitably long run (I ran enough repeated laps around parks in high school for five people's lifetimes, and have avoided multiple-lap runs ever since).
And I'm a four-year veteran of the River to River Relay, which is sort of like this race divided by 3.
I look forward to meeting all you guys in Colorado!
February in Review
1 day ago
AAh, from the moment I saw Blogger's text widget I knew I couldn't possibly get through a post without a grave link error. The Mahomet Trail link should point to http://www.prairienet.org/running/Mahomet_runs.htm
Hi Al!
Yeah, I know what you mean about running in circles.... both literally and figuratively.
Welcome Al!
Also, congratulations on your escape from east-central Illinois! Definitely a non-trivial feat. :)
Well Al, it looks like your being the newest member was very short lived. ;)
Hey Joe - I just walked by the new NCSA building, which is now right next to my lab - if we had both stayed we would have been neighbors :-)
That is pretty funny. Do you like the new building? I hear it's very shiny looking.
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