...to a trail runner.
The Good: I love running
My 9.5 mile trail race today was so amazing. Hot (74 degrees) and hilly (I had to walk up some of the monster the hills) but challenging and beautiful and spectacular. It was low-key (pour your own water at the water stops) and just great. My best parts of the race were around mile 6 when I picked up my pace and passed 6 women and the last .5 mile where I was sprinting at a good clip. Total time: ~1:28. I want to move to the cute town it was in-about an hour from me. I stopped on the way home to buy tiny pumpkins for me and my fellow interns.
The Bad: I'm not in a triathlon mood and I'm afraid I won't be again.
I am totally loving running. It's going well. It's enjoyable. And I don't have to swim! I have little to no motivation to do triathlon stuff. During tri training I was running 2-3 times a week. Right now I'm running 3-4 times a week and I'm starting to think I could up it to 4-5 times a week. But, I can't. I just know I can't. I must keep the injury monsters at bay and return to my tri schedule soon.
The Ugly: I see stupidhead triathlete ex at least two times a week and will until one of us moves out of the area.
As you all know, because I am an oversharer, I broke up with 32 y/o triathlete guy who I am no longer a fan of. I see him once a week at spin class (in the winter it will be twice a week) and at the race today I had the glorious surprise of running into his teammate in the bathroom (thankfully not the 20 y/o he left me for-and yes, they are already fighting and broken up as well) and then basically walked out of the bathroom into him. Woooohhooo. Not. Because we run in the exact same tri cicle I will see him once or twice a week (at least) until one of us moves out of the area which will not be for years on either of our ends. He sucks and I am not even sharing all the sucky details. We're nice to each other in person out of necessity, but Audrey=not a fan. I guess you're never too young (I'm 27) to get left for someone younger, eh?
February in Review
16 hours ago
I got ditched for a 20 year old once too! Boys are dumb. I am about to write a post about this.
And congrats on a fun race!
I'm going to pretend that this blog is a pre-Reagan major media outlet, and make sure that it does not run afoul of the Fairness Doctrine by posting a counterpoint: BOYS ARE NOT DUMB.
That is all.
(I could have also posted that I've been left for a girl in her early 20s also, but that would be both totally different and totally inaccurate... totally different because, being in my early 20s, people in their early 20s are kind of who I'm supposed to be left for... totally inaccurate because it was not a "left for" situation at all, there being a couple of years in between the "left" and the alleged "for".
Too bad I have to let facts get in the way of what would have been a funny blog comment. Hmph.)
Boys are dumb and they smell funny.
Welcome to the dark side. Heh, heh. Trail running is cool. All the cool kids are doing it!
Stupidhead triathlete ex. Men are dumb. And stupid. And they think with the wrong brain. Sorry Audrey. Don't mourn if you can help yourself, though, as obviously he wasn't worth it.
Trail running is awesome -- it's the only thing that keeps me running.
I have no comments on the relationship between boys and dumbness.
Think of it this way. You don't like him. You are cool and inshape and nice, oh and hot. So, let him enjoy being in the class, seeing you in all of your cuteness, perhaps cycling so he'd be distracted by your rearend. And then feel better about the fact that he has to be around you and never gets to enjoy your hottness up close and personal ever again.
Oh lord Kori. I will SO work on that plan!!!!!!!! I clearly need shorter bike shorts...
Trail running is great. It's a nice change from running on the streets and often more challenging.
I'm sorry Al but I'd have to agree that in general guys are really dumb. Of course I've met a lot of girls who also fit the description although in a different way.
I really should start visiting this site more often again. :)
speaking of trail running -- anybody doing Living History Farms? I'm probably going to make the very, very early AM drive. Wanna hang out over really cold glazed donuts?
I watched The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly just last week. Turns out that before, I never really understood what was going on in it. Sort of like this comment string.
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